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Canadian Stick Curling Championships 2023 Open

Team nameLineup
Olson/OlsonSecond: Randy Olson
Lead: Ruby Olson
Shank/ChristensonSecond: Dan Shank
Lead: Sharon Christenson
Magnusson/CouttsSecond: Norm Magnusson
Lead: Resby Coutts
Anderson/SheaSecond: Morris Anderson
Lead: Wayne Shea
Herrell/HerrellSecond: Nancy Herrell
Lead: Glenn Herrell
Gillespie/WoolnoughSecond: Bruce Gillespie
Lead: Elizabeth Woolnough
Thurston/ScheckenbergerSecond: Ron Scheckenberger
Lead: Rick Thurston
Garratt/LangSecond: Gord Garratt
Lead: Joan Lang
Beach/BeachSecond: Darren Beach
Lead: Darrel Beach
Welte/FreySecond: Wayne Welte
Lead: Phil Frey
MacDougal/DykeSecond: Dave MacDougal
Lead: Chuck Dyke
Spiring/SpiringSecond: Britta Spiring
Lead: Fred Spiring
Campbell/CampbellSecond: Tom Campbell
Lead: Rae Campbell
Childe/TurnbullSecond: Brad Childe
Lead: Craig Turnbull
Schwartz/WallaceSecond: Ron Schwartz
Lead: George Wallace
Kerley/HallSecond: Dan Hall
Lead: Rick Kerley
Bond/Meredith Second: Muir Meredith
Lead: Jim Bond
Johnson/McDonaldSecond: Warren Johnson
Lead: Dan McDonald
McKenzie/LeeSecond: Bob McKenzie
Lead: Bob Lee
Sears/CampbellSecond: Derrell Sears
Lead: John Campbell
Denesyk/JohansonSecond: Reg Johanson
Lead: Lola Denesyk
Mould/ShalanskySecond: Gary Shalansky
Lead: Jamie Mould
Strand/StrandSecond: Shirley Strand
Lead: Ken Strand
Calthorpe/MillerSecond: Richard Miller
Lead: Ken Calthorpe
KaufmanSecond: Jeffrey K Kaufman
Lead: Sandy Kaufman
Willson/SteeleSecond: Ed Willson
Lead: Tom Steele
Smith / PieperSecond: Tim Smith
Lead: Chris Pieper
Scorer/KulaiSecond: Brian Scorer
Lead: Ron Kulai
Fowler/HeinrichsSecond: Bill Fowler
Lead: Wayne Heinrichs
Janigan/FitzpatrickSecond: Dave Janigan
Lead: Neil Fitzpatrick
Sherwood/DesnoyersSecond: Shawn Sherwood
Lead: Bob Desnoyers
Cassidy/DeinesSecond: Dennis Cassidy
Lead: Al Deines
Huzzey/HuzzeySecond: Reid Huzzey
Lead: Christine Huzzey
Wright/TschirhartSecond: Bill Tschirhart
Lead: Dorothy Wright
Webb/WebbSecond: Janet Webb
Lead: Steve webb
Lamère/TurgeonSecond: Jean Lamère
Lead: Sylvye Turgeon
Finlayson/MartinSecond: Al Finlayson
Lead: Larry Martin
DeSante/DavisSecond: Mike DeSante
Lead: Don Davis
Sneddon/SmithSecond: Doug Smith
Lead: Daryl Sneddon
Blower/DalzielSecond: Dave Blower
Lead: Graham Dalziel
Hobson/BeecroftSecond: Jim Beecroft
Lead: Ferdy Hobson
Graham/FranklinSecond: Darryl Graham
Lead: Bob Franklin
Fischer/NicolsonSecond: Grant Nicolson
Lead: Don Fischer
Moe/SkinnerSecond: Mike Skinner
Lead: Donald Moe
Smart/PurvisSecond: Martin Purvis
Lead: Jack Smart
Wakaruk/LehmannSecond: Gene Wakaruk
Lead: Ebbe Lehmann
Gavin/Laskey Second: Steve Laskey
Lead: Dawn Gavin
Sheppard/SheppardSecond: Nancy Sheppard
Lead: Don Sheppard
Rouse/RouseSecond: Jim Rouse
Lead: Keren Rouse
Bennett/LandrySecond: Keith Bennett
Lead: Paul Landry
Ruginis/BoydSecond: Gail Ruginis
Lead: Tracy Boyd
Steffin/CollinsSecond: Mel Steffin
Lead: Gerry Collins
Dufour/ZbindenSecond: Jennifer Zbinden
Lead: Amber Dufour
Larsen/ThorpSecond: Bob Larsen
Lead: Justin Thorp